All that matters
is that you are still trying….
There should be….
There should be nothing but softness
in the voice you use
to address yourself…..
Give yourself permission…
Give yourself permission to live a big life.
Step into who you are meant to be.
Stop playing small.
You’re meant for greater things.
It’s impossible…
“It’s impossible,” said pride.
“It’s risky,” said experience.
“It’s pointless,” said reason.
“Give it a try,” whispered the heart.
And suddenly…..
And suddenly you know
it’s time to start something new
and trust the magic of new beginnings.
It’s okay to say no….
It’s okay to say no without feeling guilty.
Setting boundaries is healthy.
As you learn to respect and take care of yourself.
Tell me….
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with this one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver
There is no statute of limitations on starting over…
There is no statute of limitations on starting over.
Re-invent yourself every day.
Be the girl who walks barefoot and listens to the blues.
Tomorrow, wear a trench coat and speak fierce truths.
Be a phoenix. Be ashes. Burn down. Resurrect.
Let go of the idea that you must always be who you have always been.
If you are too tired…
So, if you are too tired to speak,
sit next to me in heart,
because I too am fluent in silence…
Based on a piece by R. Arnold
It’s okay to say no…
It’s okay to say no without feeling guilty.
Setting boundaries is healthy.
As you learn to respect and take care of yourself.