Close places from far away…

Autumn Forest Walk Far Away…

The other day I spent a while wandering among this group of trees; they are close, yet far….  When I approach them on the pathway, they look close.  But when I am within them and look out, everything I left behind looks so very far away….And when I walk among them I feel close to Nature, grounded and at peace. 

It is a reminder that in ancient times we lived within the majestic forest, submerged in the murmur of its leaves and branches.  The moist and mossy forest floor was hidden from Heaven’s eye by a canopy of innumerable treetops. 

This constant majestic presence has been absorbed deep within us and our awareness of this remains to this day…..

A Spell in the Forest…

Forest stroll..

Trees have always figured in human awareness, in all cultures.  When we walk among trees, or notice a particular tree, a kind of exchange happens.  Almost all of us can feel a different kind of energy in the presence of trees – our imagination is caught by them and it has been said that trees in a natural forest speak to something of our wild, natural soul.  Perhaps for a little while we are under their spell….

We are rediscovering what the ancients knew; that spending time among trees is one of the best approaches to well-being.

Sending you oodles of good wishes for your Spell in the Forest.

The Healing Power of Trees

The Healing Power of Trees

I have always known how the simple act of walking amongst or even beside trees can be healing.  The presence of trees and seeing the colour green is both uplifting and calming.   Science has now shown that the phytoncides emitted by trees as part of their own defence system can lower blood pressure, lower the heart rate and lower stress levels. But I don’t really need science to speak for the trees.  I’ll let them speak and act for themselves; be it the gentle whisper of a quiet Autumn walk or the roar of a windy day….But if they start murmuring in the twilight I’ll speed my way home!

In essence, we are rediscovering what the ancients knew: how spending time among trees is one of the best approaches to health and well-being. 

Sending you oodles of good wishes whether you can walk among trees, observe a solitary tree or enjoy a beautiful image of a tree.  

Full Moon October 28th

Full Moon Contemplation

I read that this Full Moon phase is a time for heightened emotions, but it is also an opportunity for peaceful reflection.  And I don’t mind admitting I’m focussing on peaceful.  I don’t need any more heightened emotions or chocolate….

I note that being aware of the lunar phases can help us connect with nature and ourselves. But I’ll focus on daytime walks in nature – Moonlit walks in a forest are way out of my comfort zone!

 “Nature and its cycles form the steady rhythm of this thing we call life.  Season shifts of spring and summer through to autumn and winter all bring their own forms of beauty, losses and gains.    Each in turn makes way for the new.  Moon cycles are one of the beautiful constants in life that connects us with our natural earth and ancestors.”

“Essentially, whether you’re spiritually minded or not, engaging all of our senses in these observations can really help us connect with nature and ourselves in a mindful way.”

Sending oodles of good wishes to you and yours for whatever is best for the connections you seek.  

Publication: Recharge Your Life – Connecting with the Moon by Sarah Gane

Autumn Meander

Autumn Meander….

In ancient times we lived within the majestic forest, submerged in the murmur of its leaves and branches. The moist and mossy forest floor was hidden from Heaven’s eye by a canopy of innumerable treetops. This constant majestic presence has been absorbed deep within us and our awareness of this remains to this day…..

October 2023

Harvest Moon 29th September

September’s full moon, known as the Harvest Moon, will rise on Friday 29th September – and it is a special one. Not only will it be the fourth successive supermoon of 2023, but it is also the final supermoon of the year, thus marking the end of a very supermoon summer.
(Thanks for the info to:

I read that this is a creative time to focus on moving forward with energy and personal will towards intentions you wish to manifest. Well, I’m not sure about personal will, but on the creative side I’ve been inspired this week to work with some beautiful celestial artwork I discovered earlier this year and I’m sharing it with this post.

The article I’m reading encourages me to; “Reflect back to earlier this year in March/April. Where were you and what were your intentions and desires? Some of those may be coming back around for refining or actually manifesting if the timing is right. It is a good time to take a risk, make a bid for power and to go after what you want. Make sure you are coming from your personal passion as that will mobilize action in the right direction.”

Right now, March feels like about a year ago!! But I’ve been brave in my eyes by moving into the world of Facebook. Thank you to so many of you for your support by way of positive comments, ‘Likes’ and your ‘Shares’ …. But I digress – back to the article I’m reading:

“If you are feeling dissatisfied in your life, this could be a difficult and triggered time. Don’t project your irritation onto others and make sure to engage in physical activity to release any pent up energy.” (Note to self: Get out in Nature when I feel my irritation rising, or at least open a window and take a deep breath…)

“Find wisdom in the healing of the past and let the lessons gained in those old wounds empower you rather than demoralise. Focus on beauty, creativity, art, and the nurturing support of community. The eclipse cycle is around the corner and eclipses always bring about change. Acknowledge what is stable in your life at the moment and nourish it so it can be strong as we prepare for the upcoming eclipses and the changes they may bring.”

Oodles of good wishes to you for whatever is best for you at this significant Moon phase.

With thanks to the School of Shamanism & Intuitive Skills Training

Autumn Equinox

I read an interesting article that assures me I can celebrate the Equinox on Friday 22nd or Saturday 23rd September as both days straddle this powerful time. This is such good news because more often than not I miss these auspicious moments.  I am interested/excited/want to celebrate the occasion and I would love to wander barefoot in woodland taking in the aromas and observing the gently falling leaves… but not on my own and the logistics of gathering like-minded friends for such an outing…well, let’s just put that aside meantime.  

The information I have says; “We welcome in the new influence of Libra that softens the drive to be practical and overly organised. There is still plenty of movement, action and focus on the future.  It is important to honour a new reality and understanding, and acknowledge a new sense of maturity from all the recapitulating and releasing of the past you have done this month.” 

Further, I am to reflect on my decisions past and present, as with every decision made something is always left behind. They recommend a ritual where I complete something with a burning of a photo, letter or object that represents what I am releasing. Interesting suggestion, but my neighbours might be vexed by my somewhat large bonfire at this time of year!

It is suggested that I make sure I spend some time dreaming up what I wish to bring into this new cycle. Further, it is recommended that I share it with others and do something celebratory to acknowledge change, a new creative beginning and reset.  I wonder if doodling in my new notebook, sending notes to my friends and opening a bottle of prosecco will suffice?  Meantime, I’ll gaze at the autumn colours from my window and enjoy the beauty of my indoor fern… it is all nature after all…

Oodles of good wishes to you as you acknowledge the Autumn Equinox in whatever way works for you.

With thanks the School of Shamanism & Intuitive Skills Training for their article.  

New Moon 14th September

I read that this New Moon can be seen as a turning point where choices can take me in any direction. As I drink my cuppa I consider the welcome prospect of movement… which I am now advised, as I read further, has been at a standstill, waiting for clarity, opportunity and direction.  I allow myself a vague sense of relief as I’ve just been so indecisive lately and felt I was lacking oomph… 

Apparently this is a preparation for change and an opportunity to practice ‘Recapitulation and Release’ as we reflect on the past, where we have been, and where we wish to go in the future.  I have to caution myself here as I can tend to dwell awhile in the past.  This clashes with the other articles I read which tell me to live in the moment…mmmmm….. Time for a biscuit and more coffee as I read on. 

I am to make sure I find time for this inner process and trust my intuitive wisdom especially where the outer world can make little sense.  I nod to no one in particular as I consider the world at large…. So much feels amiss…. As I read on, the advice is that this is also a good time to take a practical approach to organizing, and catching up especially around finances, projects and the calling in of the support you need.  I have a particular challenge with the latter suggestion.  I go out of my way to avoid ‘bothering’ people….let’s leave that as a work in progress…

That aside, I am advised not to expect anything on the external to move quickly however my internal process may experience life changing movement as I release some old identity, dream, regret or attachment….. I’m not exactly sure what that means or what might manifest, but I am definitely open to possibilities… and as I muse this, my hand reaches for another biscuit…

Finally the article concludes with the advice that this is a powerful time where I should also pay attention to anything that finds me, any messages from spirit, others reaching out in unexpected ways. These messages can be “A guiding light towards what spirit may have in store for you in your future”….What a beautiful prospect… 

Oodles of good wishes and beautiful prospects to you. 

Super Moon

I have read so much about the significance of this moon… yet I am slow to rise to the occasion, so I decide to find out more. 

I now know that this is the second full moon within the same month and is known as a Blue Moon. It is also a Super Moon so apparently “it warrants paying attention to”.  But to be honest, there’s so much demanding my attention these days that my attention span is stretched…. Stretched further than my rapidly expanding knicker elastic.  But that’s to do with too many bars of chocolate and is a story for another day. 

This full moon is “a powerful window of closure, release and moving into an empty space, waiting to be filled with something new”. But I’m getting to stage in life where I’m not sure I want too much more that is ‘new’.   I’ve sort of been there done that and worn the t-shirt… all before social media – thanks goodness!  Aside from which, anything new will have to be fitted in during off peak travel times and before darkness falls…. 

I further read “The time requires patience as that something new may not yet be clear or ready to manifest.  We are moving into a time of recapitulation”. (Momentary pause as I double check the meaning of recapitulation, which is: An act or instance of summarising and restating the main points of something.)

Okay so I’ll start the previous paragraph again: “We are moving into a time of recapitulation of the past and an inner process where we reflect on where we have been and where we are going.  Looking over the past can bring up nostalgia and heartfelt gratitude as well as trigger uncomfortable feelings around events and experiences we would rather forget.”  From this it would seem that I’ve been recapitulating over the past umpteen years, most nights any time between 3 and 4.30 am….  

“It is all up for review as we move into the month of September. The Full Moon energies can jump start this process for us by inviting us to allow more space for just “being” instead of the “doing” that many of us spend way too much time in.” 

So, I’m now getting to grips with the Blue Moon , I’ll just focus on ‘being’ as I drink my cuppa.  But there’s more…

“This is also an excellent time to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, notice your dreams and acknowledge signs from spirit.” Listen to my inner voice? Which one? There are multiple voices in my head; and they’re not always the kindest with their constant, diverging clamour… 

Finally: “Allow the notion of right timing to be your guide and practice patience especially if the path forward is not yet clear. The set up is in the release, so what needs to go?

I sit back, I am patiently ‘being’, enjoying my cuppa.  As for the Blue Moon, I can’t see her tonight because of the cloudy skies… but I know she’s there, like hope, joy, love and more. So, I’ll be open to possibilities…. But I won’t walk barefoot in the grass… it’s the slugs you see…. Or don’t see….

Sending you oodles of good vibes.