Seven things you no longer need to fear…… being judged

Fear of Being Judged

When you truly live your life, the life you want and not the life others want you to have, there is judgment. It’s true when you take those first steps outside of “the norm” or do something other than what people expect from you.

The truth is people judge when they are uncomfortable with their observations. Just know it has very little to do with you and everything to do with them.

The Fix

While sometimes easier said than done, realise you are enough just as you are. If people are judging you, they are doing so out of their inadequacies. Examine your feelings. If what you are doing feels good, then chances are you on the right track.

Seven things you no longer need to fear…SUCCESS

Has a success at something caused you to think, “Now What?” Fear of success usually happens when you stay focused on the next step and not necessarily the destination.
Being afraid to pursue opportunities because there is fear around what it might look like is not uncommon. It might mean more responsibility, longer hours and more pressure. Add some self-doubt, and it is not surprising why a fear of success exists.
The Fix
There will always be a learning curve as we continue to grow and develop. Sometimes realising all the things we don’t know can be overwhelming and scary. Start by focusing on the manageable aspects of the success and make a plan to learn new things in small doses.

Seven things you no longer need to fear…

Fear of Failure

Of course, we all want to succeed but chances are you will fail, more than once before you end up finding success. Fear of failure comes from not realising that failure gives us our greatest lessons. Taking chances and trying new things is how we grow as humans, and it is because we are afraid of making fools of ourselves that we hesitate to take chances.

The Fix
Realise the only one thinking you are making a fool of yourself – is you. Most likely, people are watching you because they are in awe of your bravery.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~Thomas A. Edison

The Secret Method…

The secret method of inviting happiness through many blessings….

Just for today –

Do not anger, do not worry, be humble, be honest in your dealings with people and be compassionate towards youself and others.

Just for today…..