Channel energy….

Channel negative energy into something positive.

Any time you start to feel your thoughts, or other people’s thoughts, drag you down, immediately think of something positive to do or say. If your friend had a bad day, ask him or her what made them smile that day. If you had a bad day, go do something that feels good. Go ride your bike, go for a walk, call a supportive friend, write in your diary, play a song that makes you happy…just do anything but wallow in negative energy.

Everything around us and within us is energy, we just have to learn how to direct it in order to live, not just exist.


Spend time in nature at least thirty minutes a day.

It’s impossible to spend time in the sun and not feel those happy vibes radiate through your body. Even if you don’t live in a particularly sunny area, just feeling the wind on your face or breathing in fresh air from trees can help tremendously in treating depression. Most people don’t get have any sort of relationship with nature, which explains why most of us feel so disconnected from ourselves and each other.
Maybe you could take your lunch break outdoors instead of sitting in the staff restaurant or break room at work – get into nature whenever you can; it works wonders in creating peace within the mind and body.


Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself.

Any discomfort or distress always originates within ourselves, which means good feelings start within us, too! How you see the world mirrors how you see yourself, so by learning to love yourself, you can love the world. It doesn’t matter where you live, what job you have, if you have friends or not, or how much you make…if you love yourself and feel happy within, you have unlocked the key to true satisfaction.

Say this phrase over and over again every single day when you feel your mind going down a negative path: “I love myself.” Feel how these words change your outlook on life and even how you feel in your body. Then, you will inevitably start making loving choices like eating well, exercising, seeking positive relationships, and working at a job you love. Everything begins with how you treat yourself and what you think about yourself.
Choose love, because you don’t deserve anything less than that.


Stop chasing perfection. Sometimes we have a belief that we just don’t measure up compared to others. That’s just it – you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, because they have their own unique path to follow. You have your’s as well, so the only person you need to compare yourself to is who you were yesterday. Even if you don’t feel better than yesterday, don’t beat yourself up.

Accept yourself now, as you are, and go from there.

Accept yourself in every moment, and allow yourself to live and make mistakes.

You’ll feel a lot more freedom in letting go than you will when you try to put yourself in a box of everything you think you need to be to love yourself.